Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A logo does not a brand make

Don't be confused that you are marking property when you think about branding for your organization. Your organization does not belong to you alone. And, a brand is not a logo.

An organization's brand is a collection of experiences. Since an effective brand is a collection of consistent experiences, set a goal to foster, nurture and shape that collection of consistent experiences across your targeted stakeholder groups.

Start from your ideology (mission, vision, values) to shape your intention. Nurture it through your identity (logo, tagline, messaging). Foster it through every interaction and every communication put forth by every representative.

From visible communication materials (brochures, reports, advertisements) to gatherings of all sizes (galas, events, meetings) and the things you can't touch (attitudes, tone, manners) -- it all matters.

Bring people into the process. Help them understand the value they bring and the responsibility they share. Engage them so they can engage others effectively to build your brand and advance your mission.
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Anonymous said...

That is definitely an interesting perspective on branding Melanie. I definitely love how brands can communicate a sense of identity and emotions (it's not just a logo...it's a feeling)

Anonymous said...

Definitely feelings. Brands are very sensory experiences. Part of our process, in fact, explores the various feelings and emotions intended by the organization. Those discussions can be incredibly revealing!

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