Monday, February 20, 2012

A (brief) Word About Six Sigma and TQM

Six Sigma is highly rigid and structured, whereas TQM offers greater flexibility and fluidity for implementation. There is a shared focus on reliability and consistency, but the approaches are quite different. TQM places a higher emphasis on developing the people side of improvement through knowledge transfer and decision-making, whereas Six Sigma focuses on the process side of improvement through things such as batch reductions and streamlined activities.

While the language is different, both approaches do focus on value-added aspects to promote greater efficiency and effectiveness. One could argue there is a similar success to their applications, though one could also postulate there are additional nuances required for the implementation of improvement projects using a Six Sigma methodology.

It is not enough to train people in the basic principles of any employee involvement and enhancement methodology. It must become an expected way of life and rewarded when witnessed. Otherwise, the tools become relegated to the expectations of few and the mass misrepresentation of many.
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