Nonprofit organizations should be enhanced by, not hindered
by, their Boards of Directors. Too often, however, Board members don’t
understand their role or the parameters within which they must engage to
advance the nonprofit’s mission, vision, and values.
In a recent Stanford Social Innovation Review
article, “A Better Board Will Make You Better,” the authors asserted that “any
board can improve its performance if its members are willing to confront the
people, process, and behavior challenges that drag competent people into an
abyss of ineffectiveness.”
Handling that confrontation constructively requires
knowledge and tools. Individuals interested in enhancing the effectiveness of
the organizations they serve are invited to learn more through the 2014
Building Better Boards Nonprofit Governance series being hosted by Timpano
The face-to-face training focuses on a different aspect of
Board development every third Friday of the month from 8:30AM-10:00AM. Topics
include Board goal-setting, fundraising, performance reviews, strategy, and
Sessions are held in the Training Center at Wegner CPAs in
Madison. Sessions are led by Melanie Schmidt, a nationally certified governance
trainer who brings extensive experience in the nuances of nonprofits.
Learn more online at: